About the R5E engine

R5E is an ongoing project that aims to provide a new free software engine capable of running Stunts, loading its data files and reproducing its behaviour as faithfully as possible with the intention that it can later be used to freely and comfortably add more features to the game and make it more flexible.

This project does not intend to create a sequel for Stunts and is not a game in itself. It's just the graphics and physics engine. Neither does it expect to exactly copy each and every aspect of the game physics, that is, a replay made with this engine would not run in the original Stunts and vice-versa, because that could only be achieved by actually copying the binary executable code from Stunts. In other words, this is not a "derivative product" of Stunts; it's an engine made from scratch that tries to mimmick Stunts from what the player feels during the game.

Current status

The engine is in development and currently at a rather early phase. It can already render the graphics and display a track, but there's no physics to play the game yet. The 3D shapes are perfectly recognisable and look good, but because the rendering techniques are different, some artifacts are produced. Without modifying the engine, it would be possible to get rid of these artifacts by providing new shapes made with it in mind, but other things are of higher priority at this point.


Currently, the package includes the FreeBasic source code and the binaries for GNU/Linux and Windows.

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