
About CarWorks - A new approach to car making

CarWorks is a car creation and editing tool for Stunts. It combines 3D capabilities with car paramater configuration and dashboard design features. Each program section has been specially made to ease editing each particular aspect of a Stunts car. While it can edit the different resource files, it does so with a focus on cars and a vision towards automation.

The project

The CarWorks project started in December 2020 as a pair of quick-and-dirty tools called CarWorks and Dash Manager. These two early programs remained in the alpha stage and didn't change much. Then in early May 2021, Cas started working on version 1.0 with a few snapshots and the first release was late that same month. The project aims at making car editing more accessible, with more information visibility, object handling and a lot more!

CarWorks screenshot

For the benefit of the Stunts community, CarWorks is free software. If you're not familiar with the concept, you're encouraged to read about it. Look up the GNU GPL license, the Free Software Foundation and Richard Stallman. Just like Bliss, it's been created on the principle of simplicity and independence. You can install CarWorks by simply creating a new directory and copying it there. The source code is included for you to compile it, but you are not required to do so, most of the time, since binaries are also provided.

No third party software has been used to develop CarWorks and it only links to libraries that are almost certainly available on your operating system (such as X11 in GNU/Linux), so normally, you just copy the program and run it.


The current version of CarWorks is available for download here and it includes the source code and the binaries for GNU/Linux and Windows.

CarWorks 1.1 - 6 August 2022

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